Enter the Reveries, a Hand-Drawn Interactive Art Mobile Game
For immediate release. (New York, NY, August 21, 2017) – Art and gaming have a fascinating connection, though not all games reach their...
The Official Enter the Reveries Teaser Trailer
After much ado, the official teaser trailer for Enter the Reveries, the mobile game, has arrived! It has taken a lot of time and work to...
Escape from Clowntown becomes Enter the Reveries
Due to a trademarking conflict, we have had to change the name of our game. From here on out, and forevermore, Escape from Clowntown will...
#MuricaX- An Art Protest
As an artistic mobile game company, we believe one of the most important functions of art is to comment on society, especially in...
IGF: Escape from Clowntown Enters Independent Games Festival
The fun part has finally arrived. We have been working on this behemoth for over two years now, and now its finally time to start sharing...
Geek.com Review: Escape From Clowntown
As you may know, last weekend we participated in the Gaymer X East convention at the Microsoft Technology Center in Times Square. We got...
Our Awesome GaymerX T-Shirts
Even though it didn't look like it was going to happen, our GaymerX t-shirts from Zazzle arrived featuring awesome characters such as...
Escape From Clowntown Debuts at GaymerX East
In super exciting news we debuted Escape from Clowntown at the GaymerX East Convention at the Microsoft Center in Time Square this...